We have received the following update which may affect our orders placed for Endurance Doors
"Unfortunately, we have to report our first 3 positive cases of COVID-19 and that we also have 14% of our 200 strong team self-isolating due to contact tracing notifications, whether in or out of the work place.
We continue to follow very strictly the COVID secure guidelines, masks are obligatory in production areas and whilst moving around the offices and site. As a responsible employer we made the decision at the offset to pay all of our staff in full; if they have symptoms and need to go for a test, are required to stay at home due to track and trace or have tested positive for the disease. This will help mitigate the potential spread to the work force, by ensuring our team have no financial pressures and therefore feel the need to come to work.
This reduction to our teams will have a short-term impact to our operations, production and lead times. Over the past 24 hours we have reviewed our position and I can confirm that it will result in a 13% drop to our capacity over the forthcoming 2 weeks. Therefore, this will mean that a small number of scheduled orders will be delayed until we can recover the production plan."
Please also note that the date for orders for pre-Christmas delivery for both Endurance Doors and Palladio Doors has now passed.